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TalentCorp Paves The Way For Malaysian Youth To Intern At Indonesian Companies

12 June 2017

MoU between TalentCorp and Indonesian Chamber of Commerce & Industry to promote and implement MyASEAN Internship

JAKARTA, 12 June 2017 –Talent Corporation Malaysia Berhad (TalentCorp) has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KADIN) to promote and implement TalentCorp’s MyASEAN Internship programme in both Malaysia and Indonesia. The collaboration is part of ongoing efforts to increase the awareness of ASEAN and the ASEAN Economic Community among youth from the two countries.
Designed to promote talent mobility in ASEAN at university level, the MoU will allow Malaysian undergraduates to have access to Indonesian companies and vice versa. With talent mobility becoming an increasingly important component of the modern workforce, the partnership between the two entities will open up the possibility for ASEAN students from both countries to become global citizens through a regional internship experience.

The MoU was signed by TalentCorp Chief Executive Officer, Shareen Shariza Dato’ Abdul Ghani, and KADIN’s Vice Chairman for International Relations, Shinta Widjaja Kamdani, and witnessed by Malaysia’s Minister for International Trade and Industry, YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed, Indonesia’s Minister of Villages, Disadvantaged Regions & Transmigration, H.E Bapak Eko Putro Sandjojo, who is also Liaison Minister in charge for Malaysia’s Investment and Business Issues in Indonesia, as well as Chairman of KADIN, Bapak Rosan Roeslani.

MoU to address Malaysia and ASEAN’s need for an emerging and robust workforce
As Malaysia’s workforce continues to grow in line with global trends, the country increasingly needs talent with a regional, if not global mindset, to remain competitive and stay ahead of the curve. The partnership between TalentCorp and KADIN will increase opportunities for future MyASEAN interns from Malaysia and Indonesia to experience work placements in both nations, and to a certain extent, help address the workforce gap among skilled young talent in the wider ASEAN. 

YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa explained that the MyASEAN Internship programme has “proven to open doors and experiences for top young talent in the region, and also boost a sense of mutual understanding and ‘citizenship’ of ASEAN among its interns.

He added that, “The programme also allows employers to tap into a young and high calibre talent pool that understands ASEAN. This talent pipeline is critical for companies that are looking to accelerate their growth across this region.”

Citing a 2014 TalentCorp-World Bank report that points to 90% of Malaysian companies surveyed believing that university graduates should have more industrial training by the time they graduate, Shareen explained that the MoU between TalentCorp and KADIN marks a great headstart for top Malaysian and Indonesian students to build international careers on top of completing their industrial training requirement credits. 

“Furthermore, the movement of talent adds richness and diversity in experiences to a company’s and country’s workforce,” she said, adding that MyASEAN interns will have the opportunity to develop new skill sets required by leading industries while experiencing the work culture in different parts of ASEAN.

Chairman of KADIN, Rosan Roeslani, meanwhile, noted that both countries will stand to benefit from the cooperation between TalentCorp and KADIN and their combined expertise, resources and facilities. 

“Currently, there are 33 KADIN Daerah (regional chambers) and 440 district branches that represents more than 10,000 companies under KADIN’s facilitation, which will be a great benefit to Malaysian undergraduates doing their internship in Indonesia,” he added.

MyASEAN Internship 
A collaboration between the Ministry of International Trade and Industry and TalentCorp, MyASEAN Internship was launched on 26 January 2015 by YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa, with the aim of increasing overall awareness of ASEAN among youths. The programme enables high-achieving Malaysian students from local and overseas universities to intern with leading employers at various ASEAN locations, as well as allow ASEAN students outside of Malaysia to partake in the programme. MyASEAN Internship is also open to fresh graduates within six months of graduation.

In 2016, the programme saw 71 interns placed at 24 government-linked and multinational companies with presence across ASEAN including Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Cambodia and Vietnam. Some of the participating companies that have benefited from the programme include the likes of CIMB
, Digi, UEM Group, BDO Unibank, KPMG, Deloitte, PWC and Unilever. Other companies with presence in Indonesia, such as AirAsia, Axiata, GE, Maybank
, MITI and Zico Law, have accepted Malaysian youths in carrying out their practical work experience.

For more information or to apply for the MyASEAN Internship programme, visit