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TalentCorp Announces Growing Number Of Malaysian Returnees Under Returning Expert Programme

26 July 2012

Putrajaya, 26 July 2012 - Efforts to accelerate Malaysia's trajectory towards a high-income nation is on track and gaining momentum, with a growing number of Malaysian professionals returning from abroad to contribute to the country's key economic sectors, Talent Corporation Malaysia Berhad (TalentCorp) announced today as it shared updates of the Returning Expert Programme (REP), an initiative which facilitates returning talent to contribute towards the nation’s development.

In the first half of 2012, more than 500 REP applications were approved, compared to 680 REP approvals for the whole of 2011. Together, for the 18 month period that TalentCorp administered the REP, a total of 1,192 REP applications were approved, which exceeds the total number of 1,130 REP approved over the 10 years (2001 – 2010) prior to TalentCorp and since the inception of the programme. The updates were provided in conjunction with the 7th REP Committee meeting for 2012 chaired by the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department YB Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop.

Facilitating the return of global Malaysians

"The increased number of REP approvals indicate a growing confidence among top Malaysian talent abroad of the availability of attractive opportunities in Malaysia arising from the implementation of the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP)," said YB Tan Sri Nor at the meeting.

Whereas previously applications for REP were only made by the returning individuals, YB Tan Sri Nor also announced that applications for REP can now be made by companies for the Malaysian professionals they target to recruit from abroad.

"The shift towards REP applications by employers is in line with the Government’s demand driven and industry led approach to the ETP," added YB Tan Sri Nor.

Enabling applications by leading Malaysian employers, YB Tan Sri Nor explained, helps support the efforts made by these companies in the outreach, engagement and recruitment of Malaysians from abroad.

Since its establishment last year, more than 100 Malaysian employers have participated in TalentCorp's 40 Outreach and Engagement sessions overseas. The participating employers include leading companies across the priority sectors, such as Maybank and CIMB in Finance, KPJ and Pantai Parkway in Healthcare, Intel and Agilent in E&E, Axiata and Maxis in Telecommunications, PwC, Deloitte, E&Y and KPMG in professional services.

The sessions organised involve employers directly engaging and sharing about opportunities with Malaysian professionals and students in 10 countries spanning United Kingdom, United States, Australia, United Arab Emirates, Taiwan and Japan.

"The Outreach and Engagement sessions serve as a platform to build linkages with the community of successful Malaysians abroad, not only to promote returning to Malaysia but also to establish networks and channels for Malaysians to contribute from abroad, such as through sharing of knowledge or initiating investments," said Johan Mahmood Merican, Chief Executive Officer of TalentCorp.

To reach out to a wider audience based overseas, TalentCorp will also leverage on social media tools, including the Virtual Career Fairs platform hosted at TalentCorp's talent engagement portal MyWorkLife.

"With the continued support and efforts by leading Malaysian companies in outreach and engagement, we are confident of more global Malaysians talents returning and contributing to the growing momentum of the ETP," concluded YB Tan Sri Nor.

For further information on the REP or TalentCorp's Outreach and Engagement programmes, please visit or