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TalentCorp And MIA Hold Mini Sector Focused Career Fair On Professional Opportunities In Accounts Sector

25 February 2014

Details announced for subsequent SFCF locations

KUALA LUMPUR, 24 FEBRUARY 2014 – As part of its strategic thrust to optimise Malaysian talent, as well as facilitating awareness among the public of the career opportunities available in priority sectors under the 11 National Key Economic Areas (NKEAs), Talent Corporation Malaysia Berhad (TalentCorp) in collaboration with the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) hosted a Mini Sector Focused Career Fair (Accounting) today at Sunway University. The event was officiated by Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, YB Dato’ Seri Abdul Wahid Omar.

Dato’ Seri Wahid shared his thoughts at the event, “The demand for human capital development in Malaysia is increasing in light of the Economic Transformation Plan (ETP) and Malaysia’s vision of becoming a high-income, knowledge-based economy by 2020. This event gives employers a platform to scout industry-related talent directly from universities and colleges in Malaysia, while providing an opportunity for employers to play a role in developing and enhancing local talents to help the nation achieve its transformational goals.”

The Mini Sector Focused Career Fair (Accounting) saw the participation of Small and Medium Practices (SMP) including Afrizan Tarmili Khairul Azhar, Salihin, CAS & Associates, Hals & Associates and Folks DFK & Co. Participation from universities included Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Sunway University, Monash University, Multimedia University, Universiti Institut Teknologi Mara, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Universiti Utara Malaysia and Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin. The one-day event featured an Accounting Market Day, an internship selection process and a Dialogue Session between Dato’ Seri Abdul Wahid and student leaders.

In line with TalentCorp’s strategic initiative to promote, enhance, and upskill the competencies of Malaysian graduates and undergraduates, the Mini Sector Focused Career Fair (Accounting) set out to best match the underlying capabilities and inclinations of young Malaysians with rewarding and fulfilling opportunities arising from the nation’s economic transformation. The event enabled graduates and undergraduates the opportunity to meet corporate leaders and senior human resource representatives of participating firms, while providing employers a platform to scout for potential talents.

According to Johan Mahmood Merican, CEO of TalentCorp, “Malaysia certainly has a strong pipeline of young talent, and the success of our ambitious transformation agenda depends on having the right quantity and quality of talent to sustain the country’s priority sectors. TalentCorp is proud to be contributing to ensuring a strong and sustainable talent pool capable of meeting the needs of the economy.”

MIA President, Johan Idris added, “Our aspiration of becoming a high-income nation must be supported by a skilled, competent, and professional workforce. Our country is not short of young talents, what is needed is a concerted effort by all quarters to nurture and develop these talents into a professional workforce.

“That is why we are doing this with TalentCorp to promote, enhance and upskill talent competency by encouraging aspiring accountants to pursue professional accountancy programmes, namely ACCA, CIMA, CPA Australia, ICAEW and MICPA.

The accountancy profession clearly has an important role to play in assisting efforts to build a credible, reputable and internationally competitive capital market. The accounting profession wields considerable influence in the capital market through their many roles – whether as auditors, advisors, consultants or as members of the corporate sector,” he added.

For more information on TalentCorp or other Sector Focused Career Fairs (SFCFs) happening throughout the year, please visit or