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TalentCorp Addressing Challenges In The Talent Ecosystem

07 March 2023

YB Tuan V. Sivakumar, Minister of Human Resources together with members of TalentCorp InTAC and MyLead.


KUALA LUMPUR, 7 March: Talent Corporation Malaysia (TalentCorp) today held an Industry Dialogue with the theme "Malaysia Madani: Addressing Challenges in the Talent Ecosystem" attended by 20 industry captains from the private sector.

The dialogue, chaired by the Minister of Human Resources YB Tuan V. Sivakumar aimed at soliciting feedback from members of TalentCorp Industry-Talent Advisory Council (InTAC) and TalentCorp Malaysia Global Talent Advisory Group (MyLead), two councils that bring together industry players and expatriates on efforts to enhance nation building towards a strong Malaysian talent ecosystem.

In his welcoming speech, YB Tuan V. Sivakumar called for the public and private sectors to work together to identify and address challenges and find solutions that benefit both the industries and the people.

“The challenges that we face today are numerous, ranging from rapid technological advancements, unemployment or underemployment, skills mismatch, wage stagnation, discrimination, aging workforce and social protection, to name a few,” he said.

He added, “As the Minister responsible for overseeing the development of Malaysia’s labour market and talent ecosystem, I believe that we have a duty to create an environment that fosters innovation, collaboration, and growth.”

The industry dialogue, held in line with the 6 pillars of Malaysia MADANI saw an active two-hour discussion where the participants discussed on the importance of bridging skills gaps, aligning education with industry needs, creating jobs to boost economic growth, and enhancing public-private collaboration especially in efforts to groom TVET talents.

Thomas Mathew, Group Chief Executive Officer of TalentCorp is optimistic that a continuous engagement through dialogues such as this can play a vital part in creating a skilled workforce that meets the demands of a rapidly changing global economy.

“This dialogue is a medium between the Industry and the Government in improving policies to strengthen the talent ecosystem. It also helps the government to obtain feedback from the industry to improve the country's talent and close the gap between talent and industry needs,” he said.

The TalentCorp InTAC currently has 15 members and brings together industry leaders serving as a bridge connecting the Government with businesses and other stakeholders. The TalentCorp MyLead with its current 9 members brings together expatriate professionals for action planning on efforts to enhance nation building, and issues affecting the facilitation and retention of highly skilled foreign talent in Malaysia.


Issued by Talent Corporation Malaysia Berhad
7 March 2023