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PM Announces New Measures To Optimise On Malaysian Graduate And Women Talent

29 May 2012

Kuala Lumpur, 29 May 2012 – The Prime Minister YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak today announced measures to promote the employment of young Malaysian graduates and women talent, in line with the recently launched Talent Roadmap 2020, which prioritises the strategy to optimise Malaysian talent.

In his keynote address at Invest Malaysia 2012, Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib also called on corporate Malaysia to partner the Government in addressing the talent needs of the country.

“The announcements made by the Prime Minister today, demonstrates the Government’s focus on Malaysian talent. TalentCorp is committed to build on these measures through collaborations with corporate Malaysia and relevant agencies, towards promoting employment of young Malaysian talent and women talent,” commented Johan Mahmood Merican, CEO of Talent Corporation Malaysia Berhad (TalentCorp).

Women in employment

Under the Talent Roadmap 2020, the strategic thrust to optimise Malaysian talent includes unlocking the full potential and availability of women talent. The talent pipeline graduating from universities are increasingly women, with enrolment in public universities exceeding 60% and yet labour force participation rate of women in Malaysia remains low at 46%. Further, according to the World Bank Malaysian Economic Monitor April 2012, unlike the pattern observed in some countries, Malaysian women tend not to return to the labour force after marriage and child birth.

At Invest Malaysia 2012, the Prime Minister called on leading listed corporations to disclose in their annual reports, their policies and achievements in promoting women in employment such as through flexible working arrangements and provision of support facilities at the workplace. Such disclosure would help disseminate best practices for corporate Malaysia to adopt and at the same time, provides a platform to encourage more Malaysian companies to implement policies to support women in employment.


To support corporate efforts to facilitate women who intend to return to work, Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib further announced that beginning 2013, a double tax deduction incentive will be provided on training expenditure incurred by companies in re-employing women professionals on a career break.

In conjunction with the incentive, the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (KPWKM) and TalentCorp will engage with both employers and women talent towards identifying suitable opportunities and building up a database of women professionals intending to return to work.

Skim Latihan 1Malaysia (SL1M)

During the recent launch of Talent Roadmap 2020, YAB Prime Minister had announced that in optimising Malaysian talent, TalentCorp would collaborate with the Economic Planning Unit (EPU), Prime Minister’s Department to enhance the transition from school to work, including through programmes to improve the employability of young Malaysian graduates.

The SL1M programme, a private sector led corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative, was launched on June 2011 to enhance the employability of graduates, especially those from rural areas and low income families. Under the programme, graduates benefit from both soft skills training and on-the-job training. The EPU coordinates SL1M and has secured the commitment of 49 leading companies to provide placements for 8,000 graduates.

As announced by Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib today, companies participating in the SL1M programme will be entitled to a double tax deduction incentive on allowances and training expenses incurred effective 1 June 2012. Eligibility for the tax incentive is subject to endorsement by the Economic Planning Unit (EPU), acting as the secretariat for the SL1M programme.

For further information on TalentCorp, please visit For information on SL1M, please visit and websites of participating companies.