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TalentCorp: #Kisahsiswa Initiative Aims To Tackle Effects Of Covid-19 Pandemic


TalentCorp: #Kisahsiswa Initiative Aims To Tackle Effects Of Covid-19 Pandemic

05 May 2020

KUALA LUMPUR, May 4 — Talent Corporation Malaysia Berhad (TalentCorp) today announced the launch of the #KisahSiswa initiative as an intervention measure on the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the global economy and the country’s labour market.

TalentCorp said #KisahSiswa is a graduate marketability initiative to help the country’s youths and young talent pool to chart future strategic careers in the face of a challenging job market landscape due to the pandemic.

“It’s an initiative under the Young Employable Students (YES!) framework, which is a collaboration between TalentCorp, Human Resources Ministry, Ministry of Higher Education and strategic industrial partners. This is in support of the nation’s Graduates Marketability agenda through the intervention programme focused on equipping graduates with elements of marketability and skills in line with the current needs of the country’s major industries and sectors,” it said in a statement today.

TalentCorp also said the unemployment rate, which was below global capacity (underemployment), is expected to experience a sudden surge due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the same trend was expected at national level this year.

“Therefore, as a reaction to the drastic changes and challenges in the job market, it is expected that gig economy and entrepreneurial activities are set for a drastic expansion as part of the new normal.

“Thus, it is important that young talent in the country prepare themselves professionally to face the world post-Covid-19,” it said.

TalentCorp also explained that the initiative had the potential to serve as the basis for formulating strategies at national level and strengthening the overall talent ecosystem to bridge the talent gaps and imbalances in the county’s job market.

“As such, young talents have been encouraged to register online since April 28 via or visit

“Registration will continue throughout the movement control order (MCO) nationwide and until three months after the order is lifted,” it said. — Bernama


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TalentCorp: #Kisahsiswa Initiative Aims To Tackle Effects Of Covid-19 Pandemic