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Offer FWA To Workers, Bosses Urged

HR In Asia

Offer FWA To Workers, Bosses Urged

31 October 2016

Offer FWA to workers, bosses urged

It is high time bosses offer Flexible Working Arrangement (FWA) to employees to cut losses owing to hours being stuck in traffic jams and to make the workforce more attractive.

Many employees were struggling to balance working responsibilities and family commitment, said Cuepacs deputy president Zainal Ismail.

“It will make it easier for employees if they have a little bit more flexibility.

“We fully support the call. It will allow them to have time to settle all their family commitments before focusing on work,” he said when contacted yesterday.

Zainal was asked to comment on the call by Malaysian Emplo­yers’ Federation (MEF) executive direc-tor Datuk Shamsuddin Bardan, who said that the FWA was the best solution because employees in large cities were wasting between two and three hours a day commuting to and from work because of traffic congestion.

“In certain areas, employees spend so much time commuting to the workplace and it will be a waste of time. Perhaps they can negotiate with their employers to go back a little later if they are allowed to come in late,” he said.

Zainal believes that the FWA will not affect productivity because the working hours have been tweaked to benefit both the employers and employees.

Recently, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan said the Government wanted more companies to implement the FWA so as to maximise productivity and performance.

Rahman said a TalentCorp survey found that organisations which implemented the FWA enjoyed greater employee involvement and better business productivity.

Cuepacs secretary-general Datuk Lok Yim Pheng said the FWA was especially beneficial for working women as it would allow them to work and at the same time provide them some breathing space to manage their families.

MTUC acting president Abdullah Sani Abdul Hamid said it was up to the employers to allow for such flexibility.

“We welcome any move that will bring positive impact to the employees,” he said.

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News from HR In Asia

Offer FWA To Workers, Bosses Urged