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Malaysian Youth Given Opportunity To Work With Leading Employers In APEC Economies

HR In Asia

Malaysian Youth Given Opportunity To Work With Leading Employers In APEC Economies

24 October 2016

Malaysian Youth Given Opportunity to Work with Leading Employers in APEC Economies

Minister of International Trade and Industry YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed called on youth from Malaysia and other Asia-Pacific Economic Community (APEC) member economies to be more internationally minded, by exploring job opportunities at companies in Malaysia with APEC presence.

YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa said this at the launch of the inaugural MyAPEC YouthConnect programme in Malaysia yesterday. Collaboration between MITI and Talent Corporation Malaysia (TalentCorp), MyAPEC YouthConnect will aim to nurture Malaysia’s talent to be more internationally dynamic and competitive, while positioning Malaysia as a key talent destination through leveraging the integration of economies in the Asia-Pacific region.

The programme will also raise awareness of APEC member economies by promoting skills and technology transfer, and connectivity between Malaysian youth and the APEC region, which encompasses more than a third of the world’s population at 2.8 billion people, 57 percent of the world’s GDP and 49 percent of world trade.

MyAPEC YouthConnect is open to Malaysian youth between the ages of 21 to 30, of good academic standing and with relevant soft skills. The programme will consist of an overseas work assignment lasting four to twelve months in an APEC country. The programme will also provide APEC youth work assignment opportunities with APEC employers here in Malaysia.

“APEC has a young and increasingly educated workforce. Together with the growing trend of companies investing heavily in talent, there is an urgent need to widen the horizons of this talent pool to better enable them to thrive in a diverse, multinational and cross-cultural environments,” said YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa.

“By providing work exposure in another APEC economy, youth will be able to enhance their knowledge and skills through exposure and interaction with top management of companies, while the employers will benefit from having young talent from a diverse pool and tap on their global perspectives, global intellectual mindset and unique cultural heritage inherent in other APEC countries.”

Under MyAPEC YouthConnect, TalentCorp will ease access for Malaysian and other Asia-Pacific companies to a wider and more diverse pool of regional talent, while working closely with public sector partners on relevant immigration-related matters.

“Global talent with international experience, mind-set and knowledge will always be in high demand by companies seeking to expand their growth both at home and abroad,” said TalentCorp Chief Executive Officer Shareen Shariza Dato’ Abdul Ghani.

“Through MyAPEC YouthConnect, employers driving Malaysia’s economic transformation will have a greater and more diverse talent pool at their fingertips. Not only that, their businesses will benefit tremendously from the unique market insights that such a melting pot of talent affords them.”

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News from HR In Asia

Malaysian Youth Given Opportunity To Work With Leading Employers In APEC Economies