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TalentCorp’s Inaugural ReIGNITE Awards Celebrates Malaysian Employers Empowering Women In The Workforce

07 March 2018

KUALA LUMPUR, 8 March 2018 – In conjunction with this year’s International Women’s Day (IWD) theme #PressforProgress and in support of the Government’s announcement that 2018 is the Year of Women Empowerment, TalentCorp in collaboration with the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (KPWKM) today launched the inaugural Career Comeback ReIGNITE Award to recognise Malaysian employers raising the bar in supporting women returning to the workforce after a career break. 

While women represent about half the nation’s population and 62 per cent of public university enrolment1, this has not translated into improving women’s participation rates in the workforce. Given that these same women have the potential to increase the gross domestic product in Malaysia by RM6 billion to RM9 billion2  and in light of the Government’s mandatory requirement of at least 30 per cent participation of women as directors in government-linked companies, government-linked investment companies and statutory bodies by the end of this year, it is crucial to continue attracting, nurturing and retaining skilled women talent in the country. 

“Women are an integral force for social and economic progress in Malaysia. We are pleased to recognise Malaysian employers who have not only invested substantially in championing work-life policies and practices, but have also demonstrated openness in their women recruitment policy by providing career opportunities for women who have been on career breaks,” said TalentCorp’s Chief Executive Officer Shareen Shariza Dato’ Abdul Ghani. 

TalentCorp complements efforts to drive the women agenda through key initiatives such as the Career Comeback Programme, which was launched in 2015 to facilitate and increase career opportunities for women returnees. To date, the programme has helped over 600 women returning from career breaks to find professional opportunities in various sectors. TalentCorp has also worked with leading employers since 2013 on attracting and retaining the best talent (women included) through the implementation of work-life practices and other support practices. 

“We must join efforts to shoulder the responsibility to support the national agenda on women empowerment,” the Minister of Women, Family and Community Development Dato’ Sri Rohani Abdul Karim said while officiating the award ceremony. “All of us, at different junctures of our lives, must work together towards the aspirations of continuing the momentum by mobilising our energy, thoughts and efforts to ensure the empowerment and development of women continues to become a national and social agenda of our nation.” 

The inaugural Career Comeback ReIGNITE Award was presented to five companies: 

1. Maybank Group 

2. Mydin Mohamed Holdings Berhad 

3. Keysight Technologies Malaysia

4. Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad 

5. PwC Malaysia



 1Macro Higher Education Institution (Ministry of Higher Education, 2016)
2 Women Matter: An Asian Perspective (McKinsey, 2012)