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TalentCorp Continues To Upskill Malaysians

Daily Express

TalentCorp Continues To Upskill Malaysians

06 January 2018

KUALA LUMPUR: Talent Corporation Malaysia Bhd (TalentCorp) will continue its effort to upskill Malaysians and help them to become more agile in line with the changing work landscape. In a statement Friday, Chief Executive Officer Shareen Shariza Abdul Ghani said it was crucial to take into account that more than half of the current jobs in Malaysia were at risk of being automated.

"With the National Transformation 2050 plan in place, and our aim for Malaysia to be among the top 20 countries in the world, we need to have a highly skilled human capital.

"As industries experience the effects of digital disruptions, jobs are becoming increasingly non-linear, and we need to ensure that we are well prepared and able to adapt to the new roles, opportunities and demands of this future workforce," she said, adding that organisations need to rethink their business models and look at ways to retain and develop their employees.

It is also important to look into the fact that we are losing half of our workforce when women go on career breaks due to family commitments and this affects the nation's economic growth.

"That is why encouraging employers to recruit women on career breaks is a priority for TalentCorp," Shareen added.

She also said educational institutions and students were the grassroot of Malaysia's workforce and both have equally important roles to play in producing high-quality and high potential human capital.

"We need to look into strategies and initiatives that cuts across all talent groups.

Students need to proactively look at ways to build their skills in order to be versatile.

"Meanwhile, institutions will need to look into diversifying their study courses to scale with the evolving demands of today's workplace," she added.

Shareen also said educational institutions need to ensure that their programmes were not skewed to a particular job type as the job may not be relevant in the next few years. – Bernama


News from Daily Express

TalentCorp Continues To Upskill Malaysians